Donna Shirley has been speaking to the public since high
school. She is noted for her dynamic, amusing and informative speeches on a variety
of topics and is currently speaking several times a month to audiences ranging from
a few hundred to a few thousand people. Since the landing of Mars Pathfinder and
its rover Sojourner on the red planet in July 1997, Donna has appeared on CNN, ABC,
NBC, the Discovery Channel, PBS, and a number of local and international television
and radio stations.
Donna is available to speak on the following topics, and other speeches can be tailored
to your needs: |
Donna Shirley and Charley Rose speaking at an executive workshop
in Aspen, Colorado - September 1997. Courtesy
of Alice Koelle Photography. |
Managing Creativity:
- The use of models and other techniques for stimulating group creativity.
- Communication techniques for creative teams.
- Building and leading creative teams.
- Exploitation of diversity for effective creative teams.
- Planning and managing creative enterprises.
- Creating within constraints.
- Daring to be creative - overcoming obstacles to your personal creativity.
- Career Planning - Discovering and fulfilling your passion.
Space Exploration:
- The building of a Mars Rover.
- The Mars Millenium Project - a National Education Project of the White House
Millenium Council
- The Mars Exploration Program.
- Mars in Fact and Fiction.
- Goals and Strategies for Human Exploration of the Solar System.
- The History of Robotic Space Exploration.
- Employer Sponsored Child Care - Key to the Future.
- Bending the Glass Ceiling.
- The Public Policy Process: Why Policies Succeed and Fail.
Speaking Engagements:
Moderator of panel discussion on advanced technology, University of Oklahoma College of Engineering Centennial Celebration, April 2010, Norman, OK
Ninety Nines International Conference, Ninety Nines Experience, Chicago, IL (Also Received the Katherine B Wright Award from the National Aeronautics Association)
To OU College of Engineering faculty and students, Donna Goes to Mars, Norman, OK
Two panels on Mars Exploration, the Perimeter Institute Quantum to Cosmos Symposium, Waterloo, Quebec, Canada
New Mexico Society of Professional Engineers, Mars Exploration, Albuquerque, NM
Seattle Special Libraries Association Science Fiction Event, Science Fiction in Education, Seattle, WA
UC Davis Graduate School of Management, Managing Creativity, Davis, CA
New Mexico Society of Professional Engineers, Mars Exploration, Albuquerque, NM
Purdue University Engineering Education Seminar, Educating the Engineer of the Future, West Lafayette, IN
Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Managing Creativity, Orlando, FL
National Space Society, Mars Exploration, Dallas, TX
California Charter Schools Association, Managing Creativity in Charter Schools, San Diego, CA
American Breakfast Club Managing Creativity speeches in Tampa and Orlando, Fl
BP Management Seminar, Managing Creativity, Houson, Tx
Symantec, Managing Creativity, San Francisco, CA
Ranier Club, Mars in Fact and Fiction, Seattle, WA
Keynote banquet speech, Managing Creativity, STAIF Conference, Alburqureque, NM
Pennsylvania State University, Mars Exploration, Altoona PA
Bay Path College Women's Symposium, Bending the Glass Ceiling, Springfield, PA
PINC International Creativity Conference, Managing Creativity, Zeist, The Netherlands
American Society of Military Comptrollers, Managing Creativity, Salt Lake City, UT
Tampa Breakfast Club, Managing Creativity, Tampa, FL
Missouri Southwestern University, Bending the Glass Ceiling, St. Joseph, MO
Oklahoma Press Association, Managing Creativity Workshop, Oklahoma City, OK
Presentations on Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame to Seattle Girl's School, Seattle Mensa Chapter, Norwescon Science Fiction Convention,
IEEE Regional Conference, Managing Creativity, Norman, OK
Commencement Speech, Susquehannah Univerity, Selinsgrove, PA
Use of Tethers for Space Exploration, Presentation to Space Elevator Workshop, Washington, DC
Presentations at Campbell Conference: Mars Exploration and Science Fiction, and The Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame
Presentation of Science Fiction Museum education program at AIAA Conference, San Diego, CA
Oklahoma Women's Hall of Fame Acceptance speech, The Importance of Technology to Oklahoma
Tinker Air Force Base Technology Expo, Keynote on Managing Creativity for Aircraft Maintenance and Logistics
The Diane Rehm Show, National Public Radio, Diversity discussion,
California League of Middle Schools, Educational Technology, Monterey, CA
IPC Association Connecting Electronics Industries, Managing Martians, San Diego, CA
Women In Communication Byliners Award, Acceptance Speech, Oklahoma City, OK
National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance, Managing Creativity Workshop, Washington, D.C.
International Association of Food Industry Suppliers, Managing Creativity in the Food Industry, San Diego, CA
University of Nebraska Business/Corporate Community Chancellor's Dinner Speech and Breakfast Keynote, Omaha, NE
Advertising Photo Shoot for Iona.com, Seattle, WA
Oklahoma Symposium, Quartz Mountain, OK
Rose Hulman College, Managing Martians Terre Haute, IN
Leadership Oklahoma City, Omniplex Science Museum, Oklahoma City, OK
Space Day Webcast, Mars Exploration, National Air and Space Museum, Washington, D.C.
Oklahoma City Community Foundation, Space in Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, OK
American Council of Engineering Companies, Managing Creativity, Las Vegas, NV
Carl Albert Center, University of Oklahoma, Workshop on The Why, What and How of Creative Leadership, Norman, OK
Managing Creativity Intersession Course, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
Managing Creativity Workshop for faculty and staff, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts Annual Meeting Keynote Speech, The Myths of Mars, Houston, TX
American Society of Engineering Educators, Presented two papers on Engineering Education, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
The University of Mars, Three week High School Summer Academy, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
Judge National Botball Finals (Robotic Competition for middle and high school students) and speech on Mars Exploration, Norman, OK
Global Space Endeavours and 100th Year Anniversary Event, The Pathfinder Mission, Frederick, OK
Glaxo Smith Kline Annual Sales Meeting, Managing Creativity in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Kansas City, MO
International Astronautical Federation World Space Congress, Invited Speech on Mariner 10 Mission to Venus and Mercury, Houston, TX
Science Teachers Association of Texas Annual CAST 2002 Convention Keynote, Managing Creativity in Education, El Paso, TX
Keynote speech, 2002 Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) District VII Conference, Managing Educational Creativity, Anaheim, Ca
For more information on her speaking terms, to receive a sample DVD, or to
book a speaking engagement, contact Keppler
Associates or e-mail Donna Shirley at dshirley1941@gmail.com
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